Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Self Help Gospel

How many of us are drawn to practicing Christianity with the idea that it will make us better people? Well-adjusted, healthy, loving, forgiving, wise people that other people look at and think, "what does she have that I don't?" I'll confess, that's all me. And in this self-help culture, it's so tempting to make the the whole gospel about how to make me better, rather than how to expand the kingdom of God. And it's easy to conflate the two. But in this wedding of the church and Christ, all eyes are not on the beauty of the bride, but on her ability to reflect the groom's glory.

Hi, I'm Jennifer, and I'm an addict. A recovering self-help addict. But how to truly replace that self-love with something else? That's not easy.   

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hi, I was searching the web for self-help gospel and came across your post. I've had a discussion with my friends back in Hong Kong, trying to show them they have fallen into this self-help gospel. They told me to leave their comment string, they wrote me messages quoting, "God help those who help themselves." I was utterly shocked.
I am a recovering self-help gospel believer myself, thanks for sharing your post, I know I'm not alone.